Parent registration

Every parent will be register on the system.

All parent related details can be recorded and can categorize students year-wise or grade-wise or class-wise


Individual login accounts for parents

Each parent will be given a account to login to the system.

A account will be created for each parent who registers in the system, and they will be able to access the system and attend parents meeting and monitor status of students' academic work.

Student performance monitoring

Parents can easily monitor students' academic performance.

Send a system generated massage to parents as they are promoted to a new class.


Easy online interaction with teachers

Teacher - parent interaction made hustle-free.

Parents can interact with teachers online. Student related communication is made easy and convenient.

Online parent meetings

Convenient way to conduct parent meetings.

Parent meeting can be conducted online. This will save parents’ valuable time and also teachers – parent communication is made effortless.


Online student fee payments

Easy and secure way to make payments online.

Parents can pay student fees online via credit/debit cards partially or in full

Student fee payment notifications

Automatically notify parents when there's an upcoming deadline for payment.

Student fee notifications are displayed for parents, so there won't be any unnecessary delays in payments.


Instant emergency messenger service

Handle emergency situations decisively, with instant messenger service.

Can retrieve all details related to current or past years (grades list, class list, subjects, students, etc.)